I love Fridays when the fans start coming in! No I don’t like the added traffic and time it takes to get places but besides that I just love it! Crazy decorated vehicles and RVs everywhere.
For lunch today I had Walton’s. Don’t judge. I never said I only ate healthy. I try but I can’t resist some old favorites. I used to work at Willy T’s which turned into Walton’s in Tuscaloosa. The owners are great. I worked at one other restaurant while I was in high school and Walton’s was by far the cleanest and freshest food place. No they are not paying me to say this. This is how I actually feel. Visit one of the two locations if you are in town and see what I mean.
I ordered the grilled stingers plate hot with no coleslaw add celery. It was good as always. They also have some really good salads that are made fresh. I would know I used to be the vegetable prep girl. I loved cutting up fresh produce all day. What I don’t miss is smelling like chicken and cutting my fingers off.
So at my parents house we have a lot of animals. 4 cats + 1 stray kitten that we still need to find a home for and 2 dogs. I lay claim to 2 of them.
Lilly which I have had since I was 8. I love her dearly! I will be 24 this month so she is getting on up there.
So I have a lot more pictures of Lilly put cats tend to look the same in all pictures or at least mine do so I won’t bore you with a million of them.
Lucy is my acquired dog. An old roommate found her in a parking lot and brought her home and put her in the backyard. I ended up feeding and taking care of her…
So 3 years later she has moved in with my parents and become an inside dog. She has taken up with my mom so I don’t know if I can even call her mine anymore. I still pay child support so I guess so.
She is spoiled rotten. I am serious! She has to be tucked in at night and told to go to sleep. She will stay like this all night until you tell her it is time to wake up. She also never barks. She cries when anyone leaves to go somewhere. You can hear her down the road. It sounds like she is screaming. I kid you not! I can’t make this stuff up! If I figure out how to post videos I will. It is absolutely crazy.
Here she is ready for the game tomorrow!
She looks like a black lab with chopped off legs. Oh and by the way she has gained a LOT of weight since moving in with grandma. Note to self don’t let my future children stay with my parents for too long or they will gain 40 pounds!
Lucy and Lilly are the bestest of friends! Which is funny because none of the other animals like them. So I guess they have to stick together.
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