Monday, August 8, 2011

Freeze-Dried Bananas!

Today was my first Monday at work as a college graduate! No more classes or homework! It was nice. For lunch I had an Amy's frozen meal. It did not taste like a frozen dinner at all. Very tasty!

freeze dried bananas

For a snack I brought these babies! While I was in Mobile, AL visiting my boyfriend I picked these up at Fresh Market. I also bought a pack of freeze-dried apples. I ate those on the drive home and they were yummy! I like the apple ones a lot better than the banana. I wish Tuscaloosa had a Fresh Market or Whole Foods!

freeze dried bananas2

After work I tried out a new gym. My original gym I went to got destroyed in the storm. So I started going back to the UA Rec center now that I am no longer a student its no longer free. The gym I tried out today was really nice. It is a little out of my budget though. So I am contemplating about just joining the rec and paying for it.

For dinner I had broiled fish, mashed red potatoes, green peas and a roll.


For the fish I just used freshwater bass filets caught by my dad. I seasoned them with a little melted margarine, onion powder, garlic powder, salt and pepper. I dusted paprika on top for color. I put them in the oven using broil 500 degrees until they turned white and brown around the edges.

The rest of my night will be spent watching the bachelor pad and reading Nantucket Nights! So far its good and a real page turner.
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