You know you live in a college town when traffic quadruples around this time of year or when you go to Target and the shelves are empty. I mean completely bare, nothing, nada. It is a little irritating at times but then when football season starts I forget my irritations and embrace the extra 33,602 students in town, Roll Tide! For those of you not from Alabama or not a Crimson Tide fan, Roll Tide is used to convey many different things. To celebrate: Bama just made a touchdown, Roll Tide! To release anger: I just stumped my toe, Roll Tide! To greet a passerby: Roll Tide!
All that being said, while I was in college at UA I would usually have to go to multiple bookstores to find my textbook or order it online. I mean with 33,602 other students going to the same stores for the same classes the bookstores are bound to run out or only have new books which I refused to buy since they were so expensive.
All of you college students out there, you have another option. I wish I knew about this when I was in college. gives you the option to rent your textbooks.
A few perks to renting your textbooks from CampusBookRentals include:
- save 40-90% off of bookstore prices
- free shipping both ways
- you can highlight in the textbooks
- flexible renting periods
- AND Campus Book Rentals donates to Operation Smile with each textbook rented
So not only are you spending less on textbooks you are helping donate to a great cause.
After your class is over and you do not need the book anymore they have come up with a great option to get more of your money back than you would just selling it back to a bookstore. Check out RentBack is a new program that allows students to rent the textbooks they own to other students. Here is a video from the RentBack website that explains how this works.
Have you ever rented textbooks before? If so, what did you like or dislike about it?
This post is sponsored by CampusBookRentals. But don't worry! All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Haha yes! When we were there for A Day a couple of years ago we thought it was hilarious how many people passing by us on the street would smile and say "Roll Tide" just like other people would say "Good Day." ;)