Sunday, May 6, 2012

Wine Expo

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Last Saturday I went to the Parti Gras Wine Expo with Perry.

Wine Expo

There were over 11 tables with one or more wine vendors at each one. They also had several different restaurants and caters set up with samples of their food specialties.

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The sweet potato cheesecake was amazing! The red velvet was good but the sweet potato cheesecake was a million times better.

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I wasn’t a big fan of this table. The fruit was good though!

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Strawberry Cupcake with a glass of my favorite wine I tasted! 2011 Paolo Saracco Moscato was my absolute favorite of the night and now my all-time favorite wine that I have tasted so far. 

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I really liked that they gave you a booklet with all of the wines with a description and price. They also had a lot of craft beers but we didn’t try any of them.

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I liked the Saracco so much I had the taxi driver stop off at the Parti Gras store after we left so I could pick up two bottles. 


  1. Fun! I like the sound of that sweet potato cheesecake. I'm a total sweet potato freak, and who doesn't like cheesecake??? :)

    1. I knew I had to have a bite as soon as I heard the words sweet potato!

  2. Ooh, I love a sweet Moscato! Although I currently can't enjoy it because I have a bun in my oven (I know I could enjoy it but I'm not really much of a wine drinker so I figure I'd rather just abstain). And I have had the luxury of trying sweet potato cheesecake once (in Atlanta) and it was AWESOME!

    1. Then you will absolutely love this one. Waiting till your bun is out of the oven will be totally worth it! Atlanta must be the place for great sweet potato cheesecakes!

  3. Thanks for coming out to the Parti Gras Wine Expo V! We appreciate the comments and sharing your experience with your bloggers! Hopefully we will see you in October for PGWE VI.

    Keep Sippin'!

    1. We had a great time and found a new favorite wine! You all did a great job putting on this event! If I am in town next time I will definitely have to come again.


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