Sunday, April 22, 2012

RFL 2012: e-LEMON-ate cancer

Friday night was Relay For Life. Our team sold lemonade and baked goods to raise money for the American Cancer Society.

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Anna made some really good lemonade.

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The boys did a great job of mixing it. Don’t mind the shaker used as a stirrer… No worries it was clean!

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Several of us made cookies, brownies, bars, cupcakes, etc.

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I made Lemon Cool Whip Cookies, Strawberry Cool Whip Cookies and Lemon Sandwich Cookies. (I will post the rest of the recipes soon and link them here)

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Of course I had to get a picture with Big Al when I saw him walking around the track. Of my all my years in college I never once had my picture made with him. Now I can mark it off my list!


The track was lined with luminarias. Each luminaria had a name of a person who has fought cancer, is fighting cancer or who has lost the battle of this terrible disease. The luminaria ceremony was very emotional. They wait until 10pm when it is dark and shut off all the lights. The bags are then lit and you walk around the track as they read names aloud either in honor of or in memory of.

We decided to light our tents up with Christmas lights.

The lovely engaged couple! Aren’t they the cutest!

To attract attention to our tent, Stephen dressed in his Mardi Gras attire and brought our team mascot, Polo.

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My ADX sisters Anna, Sarah, Ashleigh and me.

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Twin, Big and me.

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Me and Trey.

The plan was to stay until 6am but once the other tents started packing up and leaving we decided to leave a little early. We were one of the last 3 tents to stay. So at around 2am we packed up and went home.

It was a long but fun night. It was really great to hang out with friends and help raise money for such a worthy cause!

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