Friday, February 10, 2012

Printable Valentine’s

This year I decided to send out Valentine’s. I couldn’t find any that I liked at any stores I went to so I found some online and printed my own.


via & via

I miss Valentine’s Day parties in elementary school. I loved decorating my Valentine’s bag and filling my classmates bags with cards and candy. Funny story, I remember one time I came home with a PDA from a boy in my class. Perfect gift for a 3rd grader right?!


Of course my mom made me give it back the next day:).

  • Do you send out Valentine’s?


  1. No, I don't send out Valentine's, but I think it's a super cute idea! I love that you decided to print out your own. That's much more heartfelt than buying overpriced cards at the drugstore. ;)

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  2. aww those are so cute!!! I like making my cards. Arts & Crafts are fun! Another thing I miss from elementary school. That's awesome about thd pda btw. I like your style ;)

    1. I really wanted to make my cards with glitter but decided my friends might not appreciate that haha. Maybe next year:)

  3. I love sending out Valentine's cards! I usually make my own designs then have these printed online. I hand out the cards when they're done and my loved ones would really enjoy these gifts.


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