Thursday, January 26, 2012

All Packed

coffee beans

A court reporting company dropped off some transcripts at the office today and gave us these chocolate covered coffee beans. I had heard of them before but never tried them. I tried them and no thank you. They weren’t as bad as I was anticipating but they aren’t something I want to waste calories on. Cute packaging though! Give me some peanut M&M’s please!

egg beater

I got this package today from Nicole at The Marvelous Misadventures of a Foodie! I entered her giveaway and won! I can’t wait to make some eggs and try this out! Looks fun.

Marvelous Misadventures

If you have never checked out Nicole’s blog then you need to. She throws the most amazing parties! If I lived near her I would be inviting myself over for all of them. I love getting fun and cute party ideas from her.


For dinner I had leftovers from last nights dinner. A friend came over and we cooked Shrimp and Veggie Lo Mein. I will try and post the recipe sometime. We didn’t use one so I will try and remember all of the ingredients we threw in.


I am all packed for tomorrow! I can’t wait. After work I will be headed to Birmingham to stay with Kristen for the Food Blog South conference! You should go check out her blog too if you hadn’t already!

Follow me on twitter for updates from the conference!

Let's Talk:
  • What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. Yay! Glad you got the egg beater :) I hope it serves you well!

    You're going to have a blast at Food Blog South! I hope you and Kristen enjoy :)

    Ps-cute boots!!

    1. Thanks! I just got them a month ago at DSW. They are very comfy. I am obsessed with boots!

  2. Have fun at the conference!! No plans for the weekend relaxing before classes start on Monday :)

  3. I love chocolate espresso beans! I think it's an acquired taste. When I worked at Bama Bean I would pop those things in my mouth all day long. I kind of had to grow to love them. Big plans tomorrow-it's Ryder's party. As much as I love planning it I am SO READY for it to be over with! Have fun at your conference!

    1. Okay I can see where it could be aquired. I love coffee and I love chocolate so maybe one day! Thanks! I hope y'all have a great birthday party :)

  4. Yay- I am so excited about this weekend! Just a warning: our apartment had a leak the other day and there's a crack in the living room ceiling . Everything is fine now but our apartment is not in the most organized state!

    1. haha it is totally okay! No worries! I am excited too I feel like I may have packed too many clothes but I had no clue what to pack!

  5. hey brittany - just found your blog from hollies link up and its adorable :) i'm your newest follower and i'd love for you to follow me back!

  6. um, hope you are having a blast at the conference!!! i am a new follower!


  7. Just found you through FF! Cute blog! That's so exciting that you won the giveaway! Gotta love new kitchen supplies :)


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