Thursday, May 30, 2013

Currently | May 2013

Loving: How quiet and bigger my house is compared to my old apartment. I just love it! Oh, and Summer Snow is always amazing.

Reading: Have not had much time to read. I have been planning what I am going to read once things settle down around here. 

Watching: Not doing much of that lately either. Life is just a little too crazy at the moment.

Anticipating: This weekend! Trey and I are in the wedding of some awesome friends. Plus, I haven't seen Trey in over a month so words cannot express my excitement!

Listening to: Sounds of a house (creeks, pops, etc.). Now when I hear something its from inside my house not my apartment neighbor upstairs.

Planning: I need to be planning some time to relax.

Working on: Unpacking, organizing, painting, decorating, all of the fun things that come with buying a house. 

Wishing: I got to see Trey more often. Going over a month is just too much.

Thankful: For my job. I am so blessed to have such a good job and be able to take off to go to weddings, bachelorette weekends, etc. I don't know what I would do if I worked anywhere else.

What are you currently loving, reading, watching, anticipating, listening to, planning, working on, wishing, thankful for, etc.?

Previous Currently Posts:


  1. So so nice to have a job that's flexible enough to let you off when you need to! :)

  2. Yum! Loving chocolate and bacon pizza!

  3. I love summer snow. Perfect for the heat, and so tasty!

  4. Looking forward to seeing you at the wedding!


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