Friday, June 7, 2013

New Part-Time Job

When will it ever stop raining? Now, don't get me wrong, I love a good summer storm but not when I have so much I need to get done. Summer storms are good when you can be lazy and snuggle up with a comfy blanket, cup of coffee and a good book. 

Who knew buying a house meant taking on a part-time job as a landscaper? I sure didn't. Now with all this rain I have weeds and trees growing from every direction. I have Crepe Myrtles growing out of my shrubs and weeds taking over what little grass I have. I am praying for some sunshine tomorrow before my neighbors have me kicked out for my unruly yard. Also, hopefully I will magically become an expert at lawn care before tomorrow because I sure as heck don't know what I am doing! 

1 comment:

  1. I hear you! It's crazy how much landscaping stuff comes with owning a home. I am really liking the rock gardens in Arizona right now. ;)


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