Monday, September 10, 2012

UA vs. WKU

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This past Saturday my parents and I went to the Alabama vs. Western Kentucky game. We were given first row Field Suite tickets. They were amazing. All of the pictures of the field above were taken with my 50mm lens. We were literally on the field. Besides the awesome seats there was an air-conditioned room with TVs and lots of food and drinks. There were Stadium Dogs, shrimp and grits, barbeque, hamburgers, chicken sandwiches, nacho/taco salad bar, cooler of ice cream treats and dessert bar. I never knew what I missing sitting in the student section all of those years…
Oh and we won, 35-0!


  1. Great pictures Brittany! And the food sounds really good - that's my favorite thing about sports ;) haha

    I love it when my team wins :)

  2. i love sports games... i don't have any specific teams i root for but just being together at a stadium all coming together for the same cause... i just love it


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